I know I've been away from the keys too long. Sometimes life just interferes with your blogging and knitting too. We've been really busy around here. My DD#1, Baby and SO have moved into the house from 1700 miles away. DH and DS#1 went to get their furniture and things and DD and baby flew in early. So now the census in the house is up to 8 and it's a bit crowded. Baby has been great, adjusting well to all the new people and the new place. But my knitting time has been greatly reduced.
Also add in the my counterpart at work has been on vacation, so I'm working many more hours the last 2 weeks.
Hopefully it will soon settle down and I'll get back to knitting and blogging.
I did finish another baby sweater. This is a gift for Dh's nephew and wife who just had a new baby.