I've been away for a while. The summer has passed us by this year. Dh has been very busy with the garden and since so many things come in at once...I'm busy canning the produce. Today DD 2 and I canned 10 quarts of fresh tomatoes...they sure will taste good come winter DH and DD2 did all the heavy part, lifting around the pots of hot water... I did the tomato peeling and cutting and filling of the jars.. Part of the busy-ness has been surgeries...planned and unplanned.
DD2 had her foot operated on to take off a cyst from the back of her heel...it's healing but slowly. She has stitches that still need to come out, hopefully next week.
I had an unplanned apendectomy last Monday. So I'm off work for at least a week and maybe more. but on the bright side, I'm getting a lot of knitting time!
I finished a baby sweater set and started another. This time I'm using the Precious Layettes pattern from Leisure Arts instead of the hood zip that I usually use for gifts.