Monday, July 11, 2005

been busy!

I've been so busy that I've forgotten to write!
I won't try to catch up all of it.
But right now I'm knitting for CIC. Children in Common is a group that sends warm woolies to children in Russian orphanages. They ask that the yarns used be mostly wool, since that is much warmer for the children. The homes aren't well heated and may be only 45 F even in the winters. The knits are hand delivered by people who are adopting and by knitting groups.
I've had a very kind offer from a knitting shop owner to supply some yarn for me. So I'll be posting those wools and socks in the near future. For now, I have 4 pairs done and a 5th nearly done. The main pattern that I'm using is from the Yahoo group, SixSox Knitalong. The pattern is called Chutes and Ladders. It's really easy to remember. The socks are sized to fit children from age 1-5.

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