Monday, May 08, 2006

Flu and knitting time...

Wondering what I did most of the day yesterday? Well, the family (all 4 others) had the stomach flu all weekend, since Friday. Nasty stuff! But in between caring for the sick and fetching more drinks and doing more of the laundry they were generating....I knit this....

Here are some pics of Sam The Ram in progress. First pic is of the head section of Sam. It's shaped with increases. I'm using Galway 100% wool on a size 3 circular needle with the Magic Loop method. The second pic is of the neck wedge added to the head. This has the start of the aran patterns.

The third pic is of the back strip. This is worked

from the neck sts in a continuing pattern of XO cable. I worked the strip on 2 dpn's because it was easier to handle.

After this strip is completed, I picked up around all the sts and started to work down the body section. I don't have a pic of this yet, because it's not really much longer than this one at the moment.

This is a well written pattern but you do have to be very careful to follow it exactly and count your sts frequently. I've had to back up only a few times to fix things. Usually increases that I missed. But thankfully, the frequent counting caught it quickly and I only had to frog a tiny amount.

DS1 is better today, he went to work. DS2 is still sick, DH is still sick...and poor DD2 is too. She had to miss her band concert yesterday and a softball game today. She's a busy little lady and being sick just isn't in her schedule! I think she's had it the worst of them all. Hopefully, by the end of today, they'll all be on the mend and I won't get it at all. So far so good for me. I think because I work in health care in a nursing home, I'm maybe a little more immune to these things. At least I hope that I am.

Happy knitting to you all and may the bug pass you by.


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