Friday, February 24, 2006

Life is happening...but no new pics

Life goes on....we got the new furnace in and it's wonderfully warm now.
I've been knitting a bit, but no new pics yet. Probably I'll have some after the weekend. I had 4 more tteth filled yesterday, so my jaw and mouth are still really sore. But I had to work today...Can't wait til bedtime when I can take more pain killer and go to sleep.
Most of the family has been sick all week and now my little Birdie has it too. So most of this evening has been sitting cuddling with a sick baby. Poor little tyke has a runny nose and fever...just not feeling well. He keeps trying to get down to play, but feels so bad that he falls into things and keeps getting bumped. So he's sitting on Mammam 's lap with his blankie just waiting til his mama gets off work to go home.
I've added a new tag to the sidebar on the right. I really like this scripture tag.
Knit on

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